Smart Technology Insight
When Communication is Resilient?
When Communication is Resilient Dealing with air [...]
Definition of Smart and Resilient Cities
Definition of Smart and Resilient Cities [...]
Smart City, Hype or Reality!
Smart City - Hype or Reality [...]
Smart Airports in Action
Smart Airports in Action KonectCity [...]
On-Going Research
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Konectcity Technology is transforming Industry 4.0
How we re-shape the industry The basis for these cutting-edge technologies is the availability of data. Reducing costs, reducing down-time, reducing TAKT time, reducing MUDA, maximizing efficiency and profits at the bottom line. [...]
When Communication is Resilient?
When Communication is Resilient Dealing with air traffic and communications between pilots and control tower, our system knows all way to communicate and has learned how to automatically switch among conventional and non conventional [...]
Definition of Smart and Resilient Cities
Definition of Smart and Resilient Cities An analysis of definitions of smart and resilient cities and of characteristics attributed to each of these concepts is revealing a very broad overlap connecting a large [...]
Smart City, Hype or Reality!
Smart City - Hype or Reality We were the early founders of IoT technologies. In fact, sponsored by Google and IBM, we were the first putting together a complete IoT platform even before [...]
Smart Airports in Action
Smart Airports in Action KonectCity in partnership with IBM developed a project for integrating, correlating and representing the systems currently in use at the Terminal COS (Operative Security Center), based on natural [...]
Discover The Future
We are a multi-disciplinary laboratory committed to focussed and efficient drug discovery